Strategies, programmes and action plans for municipalities
Analytical testing and certification
Project expertise and consultation
EE & RES for buildings
Mobility management
Energy education
EE & RES in SMEs
The Energy Agency of Plovdiv was established on April 22, 2000, with the aim of promoting EE and RES on regional and local levels. EAP initiates and coordinates projects aimed at reducing energy consumption and the use of efficient and renewable energy technologies. EAP promotes energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy sources (RES), develops action plans, and performs feasibility studies promoting sustainable energy development. EAP also develops energy concepts and projects for municipalities and for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), arranges financing, and provides expertise and consultation.
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The 7th edition of the ManagEnergy Master Class was focused on One-Stop Shops for Residential Retrofit and covered the design, development, and operation of OSS for residential retrofit.
Тhe first co-creation meeting in Plovdiv was held in the penultimate week of December. The meeting was hosted by the Trakia Regional Administration. The citizens reacted positively to the presented ideas and made their suggestions.
The Regional Service Hub for home renovation “MultiHome” in the Plovdiv region, developed under the MultiHome project, was presented by its Coordinator to experts from the Austrian Energy Agency. The meeting was organized by the Bulgarian Sustainable Energy Development Agency, a long-standing partner of the Energy Agency of Plovdiv in its project activities.
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