Immission control

Emission control

Emission inventory

Dispersion modeling

Development and updating of municipal plans and programs for air quality

Forecast and pre-investment modeling of the impact of infrastructure projects on air quality

Modeling of pollution in disasters and accidents and preparation of optimization scenarios for evacuation of the population


The Center conducts research, analysis, observation and modelling of air quality, energy consumption and GHG emissions. It employs the latest communication technologies. Its reach extends across and beyond the Balkans. The Center for Integrated Air Quality Management works on all components of air quality management, namely:

We offer:

Ambient air quality testing

I. Immission control

- the center has a mobile laboratory for testing ambient air quality.

- Measurement of ambient air at any point with a mobile laboratory
- Measurements for the permits requirements of enterprises, for the purpose of analysis, by signals, or in places without stationary stations
- Measurement of the concentrations of the main pollutants - PM10, PM2,5, NO, NO2, NОx, SO2
- Measurement of meteorological parameters - temperature, wind speed and direction, humidity, atmospheric pressure

II. Emission control

The center has equipment for measuring the emissions of harmful substances released into the atmosphere from sites with stationary sources:

- Measurement of dust emissions
- Gas analyzer for measuring the levels of O2, CO, NO, NO2, SO2, CxHy (hydrocarbons)
- Flue gas temperature and velocity, differential pressure;

III. Emission inventory

Our team has extensive experience in emissions inventorying by sector (industry, transport, households, etc.) based on modern energy models for research and evaluation.

IV. Dispersion modeling

For the dispersion modeling of air quality we use air quality management system Airviro - the most common integrated air quality management system in the world, developed by the Swedish Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology. The Airviro system contains 13 dispersion models that can run in parallel and that can look in detail at emissions from specific sources.
Dispersionn modeling
The Airviro system includes the best dispersion models in the world, including those of the German and American environmental agencies - Austal2000 and AERMOD, respectively, recommended by the Ministry of Bulgarian Environment and Water for dispersion modeling.

Other models available in the system include:

SMHI Street Canyon
SMHI Danard Wind Model
SMHI Dispersion
SMHI Heavy Gas
Noise screening ISO-9613-2
OSPM Street Canyon/SMHI OpenRoad
SMHI Receptor
SMHI Gauss

The dispersion modeling can be done for a given municipality, as well as for larger and smaller territorial units.

The modeling covers all the requirements of the municipal programs for air quality improvement.

The modeling can be statistical, close to real time or predictive, allowing these simulations to be used in policy planning and decisions management.

V. Development and updating of municipal plans and programs for air quality

Our team has many years of experience in developing and monitoring of municipal air quality programs. We have developed the programs of Plovdiv Municipality, Shumen Municipality, Smolyan Municipality, Vidin Municipality, Haskovo Municipality.

VI.Forecast and pre-investment modeling on the impact of infrastructure projects on air quality

VII. Verification of complaints of exceedances of concentration limits in areas where there are no automatic measuring stations

VIII. Modeling of the air pollution in cases of disasters and accidents and preparation of optimization scenarios for evacuation of the population

IX. Meteorological and climatic research

Energy Agency of Plovdiv

За повече информация, разгледайте нашата брошура: Корпоративна брошура Енергийна Агенция - Пловдив

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