За по-амбициозна цел за енергийна ефективност до 2030 г.

Energy Agency of Plovdiv, in its capacity as a member of FEDARENE - the European Federation of Agencies and Regions for Energy and Environment and of the Consultative Commission for Energy Transition to the Council of Ministers, supports the proposed by the European Parliament (14.5% target for EE by 2030).

The case for prioritizing energy savings has never been stronger. Energy efficiency and energy savings allow to address the simultaneous crises the EU is facing by reducing energy bills for consumers and businesses, improving Europe’s energy independence and decreasing greenhouse gas emissions.

These days, a very important piece of legislation is under negotiation in the EU - namely the Energy Efficiency Directive /EED/ - with trilogues involving the European Commission, the European Parliament and the EU member states, through the Council.

The interinstitutional negotiations on the EED recast are entering a pivotal stage with the core provisions of the directive currently being discussed by policymakers, namely the 2030 EU energy efficiency target, the energy savings obligation and the public sector requirements. Agreeing on an ambitious EED will set a clear long-term strategy to structurally reduce Europe’s energy demand in a way that is fair and inclusive for all in line with the REPowerEU objectives.

A strong 2030 energy efficiency target (14.5%): this is a prerequisite for the EU to meet its energy independence and climate objectives. Raising the level of the energy efficiency target brings multiple and increasing benefits to the EU society.

A recent study from Cambridge Econometrics found that the level proposed by the Parliament (14.5%) would deliver the highest benefits for citizens and businesses on the ground. Given that the EU cost-effective energy savings potential stands at least at 19%, a 14.5% target, represents only moderate ambition and it is well below what is technically feasible and economically viable. The EU institutions are therefore discussing levels of ambition that are below what is technically feasible and economically viable.

The benefits of a 14.5% target are the following:

• A reduction of 120 billion euros of energy and transport bills for households in the EU, approximately 609 euros saved per household.

• Saving of 38 billion euros in fossil fuel imports, or almost 40% of the EU’s spending on energy imports from Russia in 2021.

• A reduction by an additional 12.2 % greenhouse gas emissions, or the equivalent of the Spanish emissions in 2019.

• The creation of 752,000 jobs which is more than three times the number of workers directly employed in coal mining and related activities in 2018.

• The creation of 94 billion euros in GDP growth, which is about the GDP of Slovakia in 2021.

Енергийна Агенция - Пловдив

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