Expert counseling of citizens within the ReHABITA project

                                                                                                              Press Release

Energy poverty is a challenge that affects many vulnerable households across Europe. According to calculations made by the Bulgarian National Statistical Institute and the Sustainable Energy Development Agency, about 2,830,000 Bulgarians are energy poor. In the opinion of the assoc. prof. dr. Teodora Peneva from the Institute for Economic Research at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, "There may be variations, but it is still a large percentage - about 35-40%".

In November 2023, the Bulgarian Council of Ministers approved the Ordinance on Energy Poverty. The document answers the questions of who is a vulnerable customer for electricity supply and which households are energy poor.

Energy Agency of Plovdiv is partner of the European project LIFE ReHABITA. Among its main goals are the transformation of communities and improvement of the quality of life of vulnerable households. Within the framework of the project, a one-stop shop on energy poverty, building renovation and energy-efficient heating functions on the territory of the Agency. Experts from EAP advise citizens on the entire renewal process /from planning to implementation/.

On February 13th, representatives of the Energy Agency of Plovdiv visited the municipality of Stamboliyski and implemented the "outsourced one-stop-shop for energy renovation of private buildings" service. The event was held with the assistance of the "Housing Policy" Directorate.

      Photo: EAP


In the conference hall at the Stamboliyski municipality's town hall, house managers and citizens asked their questions.

The EAP experts informed them about opportunities to renew the non-residential and residential building stock under the current programs of the National Recovery and Sustainability Plan currently active programs and projects for energy efficiency in buildings recommendations on what technologies to choose for energy efficiency interventions and energy production from renewable sources energy efficiency surveys energy certificate technical surveys and technical passports in case of new or renewal of collective heating replacement of heating/cooling systems with new and more efficient heating devices - individual installations replacement of heating/cooling systems with new and more efficient heating devices - collective installations establishment of energy communities for heating and cooling.


Source: Energy Agency of Plovdiv