The ConnectHeat project was presented at

the National Conference of Energy Agencies


The 18th edition of the National Conference of the Association of the Bulgarian Energy Agencies was held in Sofia on November 13 and 14. The topics such as: energy communities; energy efficiency increase in multi-family and single-family residential buildings; involvement of citizens in the energy transition through one-stop-shops; the effects of national decarbonization policies at the local level: positive results and untapped opportunities were introduced during the event.

The conference brought together representatives of the Bulgarian Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, the Sustainable Energy Development Agency, the Fund of Funds, the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Sources Fund; international experts from the World Bank and the European Commission; Bulgarian experts from the construction and energy sectors, mayors of municipalities and experts from local authorities, energy agencies, NGOs, entrepreneurs and citizens.

                           Photo credit: EnEffect


The team of the Energy Agency of Plovdiv presented the ConnectHeat project within the framework of the topic "The long journey for thermal energy communities (EC) establishment". Òhe ConnectHeat project leader introduced the audience to the initiative of the LIFE Program of the European Commission, as well as spoke about the benefits of EC for heating and cooling incl. ▪ reduced energy consumption compared to conventional energy sources, respectively reduced costs for energy for heating and cooling ▪ independent supply ▪ lack of risk to security supply ▪ independence of the energy price from the market price of fuels/electricity ▪ improved air quality ▪ contribution to the EU goal - zero-emission building stock by 2050.





Within the specially designated session on the topic of energy communities, the challenges in the establishment and development of thermal communities were also discussed, namely factors such as socio-economic and technological challenges; regulatory framework. The working phases of the pilot case "Energy Community for Heating and Cooling" of the Energy Agency of Plovdiv were also presented.

                                                      Photo credit: Energy Agency of Plovdiv


The hybrid format of the conference, including online broadcasting, contributed to the realization of interesting discussions and exchange of valuable experience. A unanimous viewpoint was expressed by all present experts from the energy sector, state and local authorities, citizens that the work on the achievement of the outlined short-term and long-term goals and the overcoming of the existing challenges will definitely continue.


Source: Energy Agency of Plovdiv